Did you know that food is an important part of maintaining your heart health?
A form of maintenance for your heart is being mindful of what food you consume.
Food not only gives you energy and helps you work better throughout the day, but it also can affect your heart.
Learning more about key areas of meal preparation, including portion size, what foods you should include more of on your plate and what you consume less of is just as important as the exercise you undertake to maintain your heart.
Understanding portion sizes as well as the difference between good and bad fats and oils can be difficult. But there is a lot of information available to help you navigate healthy meal choices.
It is recommended that each meal contains a MAJORITY OF VEGETABLES AND FRUITS with a combination of some of the following:
– grains or starchy vegetables
– legumes, fish, seafood, eggs, poultry or meat
– milk, yogurt or cheeses
– healthy oils, nuts and seeds
But how much is the right amount? Check out the information from The Heart Foundation New Zealand to learn more about portion sizes (https://www.heartfoundation.org.nz/wellbeing/healthy-eating/portion-sizes)
Now that you have more information about how to eat healthier for your hearts longevity, why not try new recipes.

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